About Us

Welcome to Hunter x Hunter News, your ultimate source for everything related to Yoshihiro Togashi’s legendary manga and anime, Hunter x Hunter!

We are dedicated to bringing you the latest updates on the manga’s return, anime developments, character insights, fan theories, and everything in between. Whether you’re a longtime fan who has followed Gon and Killua’s journey from the start or a newcomer diving into the world of Nen, we’ve got you covered with fresh content, in-depth analyses, and breaking news.

At Hunter x Hunter News, we understand the excitement (and agony) of waiting for new chapters, and our mission is to keep you informed with accurate and timely updates. Our team is passionate about the series, and we aim to create a hub for fans to discuss and explore the vast world of Hunter x Hunter.

Join us as we continue to unravel the mysteries of the Dark Continent, celebrate Togashi’s incredible storytelling, and keep the Hunter x Hunter fandom alive!

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:

Hunter x Hunter News
Near 7911-7901 Garner St E,
Long Beach, CA 90808, USA
+1 808 334 6680

You can reach out to us at [email protected]